Simply Play, the freely available assessment tool, has just gone through a redevelopment process to increase functionality and usability, and is now available for all to use via the new web portal. Accessed via the new Simply Play has been streamlined with a reduced number of questions, and the performance online has been enhanced so that it can be used more effectively on hand held devices.
Simply Play was created as part of a Knowledge Transfer Partnership between Sheffield Hallam University and Timberplay. This project combined the knowledge base of these two organisations in order to create a tool to benefit all individuals involved in the development of play spaces, maximising play value, regardless of their own knowledge or experience.
The new Simply Play survey has honed the themes and questions, now taking in 32 questions across 8 themes. Easy to understand and simple to complete, the survey enables assessors to analyse several factors in any given space (for example challenge, movement and social provision), providing supplementary and supportive information where necessary. The completed results are then emailed to the assessor in the form of an easy-to-understand infographic. Beth Cooper, developer of this essential tool and Creative Play Associate at Timberplay, comments:-
“The original Simply Play tool was the result of many months of research and analysis into leading play theories, distilling this information into several broad themes and 45 questions. Feedback from users prompted us to review and refine this – and the result is the new Simply Play. We are delighted to still be able to offer this as a free-to-use tool and hope it will support all in the creation of better play areas.”
The results infographic will serve as an excellent reference point from which to identify areas of the play space in need of improvement.
For more information on Simply Play, or to enquire about Timberplay’s extensive play education program please contact Timberplay on 0114 282 3474, or email Beth directly on [email protected].